Teeth Whitening
If colored organic and inorganic substances form in the tooth enamel due to various internal and external factors, the person may need teeth whitening. Bleaching processes are based on oxidation-reduction reaction. The organic and inorganic substances in question are removed through teeth whitening gels. These oxygen-releasing gels allow the colored substances on the tooth surface to be replaced by colorless substances. Thus, whitening occurs.
Teeth whitening is carried out by applying gels directly onto the teeth or accelerating the reaction by using a special light source or laser.
First of all, the tooth surface is cleaned and the tooth’s own color is revealed. Afterwards, one of the home or office whitening methods is used. For home whitening, mouth impressions are taken. A suitable transparent plate is prepared for this. The gel given by the specialist dentist is squeezed into this plate. The aligner is worn in the mouth for a certain period of time each day. The application is continued for different periods of time to achieve the desired level of whitening.
In office type bleaching application, a higher concentration of whitening agent is applied to the tooth surface by the specialist dentist compared to home type. Again, the procedure is completed by waiting for a period determined by the physician.